Located in Greenwood, B.C. Canada. 12555 Hwy 3 (North side). Open Wed-Sat 11-4. May to October. We Ship World Wide! Online Shopping All Year! Local Pick up available. More items available at JewelCreekAntiques.etsy.com
1904 McKee Pres Cut Toltec Crystal Cut Shell Shaped Dish
4 Hughes Cornflower 1 oz Tiffin Glass Line 73
Jewel Creek Gift Card
1904 The Pastor and Modern Missions By John R. Mott
Antique Victorian Plate EP Copper Creamer, Made in Canada
1920’s The Mayfair Biographies - Mozart
1920’s The Mayfair Biographies - Handel
1920 Tennyson’s Princess by Alfred Lord Tennyson
1919 Chippendale / Adair Pattern, 3 1881 Rogers A1 Soup Spoons
Antique Pressed Glass Berry Bowls
1919 Frailty by Olive Wadsley
1892 The Works of E.P. Row, Barrier’s Burned Away V
1911 Claims and Opportunities of the Christian Ministry
1920’s Nippon Meiyo China Sugar and Creamer Set