Located in Greenwood, B.C. Canada. 12555 Hwy 3 (North side). Open Wed-Sat 11-4. May to October. We Ship World Wide! Online Shopping All Year! Local Pick up available. More items available at JewelCreekAntiques.etsy.com
Vintage “Love Light’s The World” Print on Wood
Vintage Master Lambton The Red Boy, Sir Thomas Lawrence Wood and Plaster Framed Print
Vintage Greek Madonna Small Picture
Vintage Litho on Textured Board, Grapes by Chailloux
2 Vintage Shirley Kinsman Originals on Wood
Vintage Henry Raeburn’s Boy and Rabbit Framed Print
1940’s Curved Glass Silhouette Small Framed Picture
1953 Rembrandt, Abrams Pocket Book - First Printing
Jewel Creek Gift Card
2 M.Nue Vintage Farm Scene Framed Art Prints
1960’s Papoose