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1947 Practice Readers Book 3
1948 Practice Readers Book 2
1949 “Jo’s Boys“ A Sequel to “Little Men” by Louisa May Alcott
1978 The Cub Scout Annual
1961 Doctor Dolittle’s Return
1965 Star Of Wild Horse Canyon by Clyde Robert Bulla, Scholastic
1944 Baby Kangaroo and Lilly Lamb book by C.E. Kilbourne
1965 Air by Edna Mitchell Preston
1980’s Tales from The Wind in the Willows, The River Bank
Walt Disney's 'Here We Go and Here We are' Childrens Book
Walt Disney's 'Sticks and Stones' Childrens Book
Walt Disney's 'Circus Lights, Circus Lights' Childrens Book
1943 Little King Davie by Nellie Hellis
1979 Andersen's Fairy Tales
1967 The Gnome Mobile - Authorized Edition
1970 Mickey Mouse and the Really Neat Robot
1972 Big and Little are not the same, Childrens Book
1987 Reissue ‘The MAD Jumble Book’
1981 Treasure Island
1978 Rabbit Hill